Automated system to measure primates activity
VigiePrimate is a high throughput system able to perform long-term observation of primates in their cages.
The animals are unrestrained from additional sensors: no stress is placed on them!
Up to 16 animals may be analyzed with one system, results easily transferred to a spreadsheet or statistical software.
Remote software access, alarm triggering on abnormal animal behavior, option to record live video following or preceding an alarm (with Numeriscope).
VigiePrimates may be used in : Animal facilities, behavioral analysis for large animals.

Convenient and adaptable
The animals are unrestrained from additional sensors : no stress is placed on them !
The following devices may be added to our system : video recorder, telemetry (DSI), physiologic signals analysis systems (Notocord), observation of several animals in real time.

The WCST "Wisconsin Card Sorting test"
The WCST "Wisconsin Card Sorting Test" is an easy way to analyze primates behavior cognition. The primates are facing a touchscreen and have to choose between different shapes and colors. Developed in partnership with Imetronic, this test is designed to observe the learning and memory behavior of primates. Results can be easily transferred to your spreadsheet or statistical software.

All you need in one document

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