OptoMotor response of adult zebrafish
The OptoMotor response (OMR) is an innate visuomotor reflex behavior that occurs when an animal swims in the same direction as a high-contrast visual stimulus. It has been frequently used to assess spatial response, to detect directional visuomotor deficiencies, or to identify visual and/or motor-based mutations.
To ease the use of zebrafish (Danio rerio) in studies, our system makes use of the high throughput mechanisms involved in their visual system.
Adapted for adults
Although many studies have approached visuomotor capacity and behavioral acuity in zebrafish, the methods were often based on ones used on larval zebrafish that could not be transposed into adult zebrafish in an optimal manner. Our system allows you to conduct pertinent research using factors fully adapted to adult zebrafish.
Rather than simply monitoring eye movement, we also take into account the swimming direction. If the fish responds to a rotating stimulus by swimming clockwise and counterclockwise for equal amounts of time, it is considered that they did not detect the stimulus. On the contrary, if they spend most of their time swimming in the same direction as the stimulus, it is considered that they have detected it.

These capabilities will help your laboratory achieve outstanding results
Full control of the environment
Rotating speed, contrast, brightness, half mask, stripe color and number…

All you need in one document

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